Back by popular demand (!) the Easter Egg Trail will be around the village again in the Easter school holidays.
There are no leaflets this year (we’ve gone all green), so just bring a bit of scrap paper and a pen, follow the trail map, hunt for the eggs and jot down the words that you’ll find on each egg which, when added together, will make up this year’s story about one of our resident village bunnies….or use a phone to take pics of the eggs…..or just remember the story as it unfolds. The trail is available to do at any time of day (or night?!). There are no prizes, no chocolate….its just a bit of fun…..but do feel free to pop a small donation in the box at the end, or click below, if you’ve enjoyed your trail.
Have fun, cross roads safely, take care in the harbour area, enjoy and thank you as always for your support.
Oh….and for those of you that did it last year ….the route might be the same but the hiding places are different!
Happy Easter all.